IF approved – the following Agreement will be sent and is required to be accepted prior to moving forward – Please review the agreement and be familiar with what your requirements will be as a RedTide Brand Ambassador.

RedTide Racer Support Agreement
• A signed release permitting RedTide to use your name, vehicle, likeness and photos in advertising, cataloguing and promotional purposes;
• A minimum of two (2) photos of your vehicle, suitable for publication, at least one (1) of which must be an action shot, to be used in RedTide advertisements, catalogs, etc. These photos should have RedTide product and RedTide decals visible. If your photos are copyrighted, we will also need a release from the photographer to use them. Please provide these photos no later than 30 days after receipt of discounted RedTide product;
• RedTide decals must be applied, at a minimum, to both sides of the vehicle on highly visible vertical surfaces. These RedTide decals must be visible in the photos submitted to RedTide and must be kept on the vehicle for the duration of period that you receive the discount;
• RedTide discounted product that you purchase shall only be used with your vehicle(s) throughout the duration of the discount period;
• Provide RedTide with MONTHLY feedback related to the performance of your RedTide products, your satisfaction throughout the year. You will notify RedTide if you use a competing vendor’s product during the discount period;
• Send MONTHLY updates on your season, including an event schedule, follow ups after each event, photos, etc. Please submit your monthly update here. You do understand the although social media post are very important, they are not considered an update.
• Must represent RedTide in a professional manner and promote RedTide products whenever possible; and provide testimonials on RedTide products when asked.
• I understand that it is a conflict of interest to promote or partner with a direct competitor of RedTide Canopies and could lead to the termination of support agreement immediately.
• I do understand RedTide will need to disclose value on all commercial documents for international shipments. As such, I am responsible for any taxes as items cross the boarder if applicable.